Oakwood Dog Rescue, established in 2009 and located in Hull, East Yorkshire, is dedicated to finding permanent homes for dogs. Their expertise lies in rehoming both international ex-street dogs and dogs from the UK.

The primary objective at Oakwood Dog Rescue is "One Home Only." Rather than prioritizing speed in finding homes, their approach is to match each dog with the most suitable households, ensuring a secure and lasting connection that allows the dogs to thrive in their newfound homes. 

Ensuring the well-being of rescued dogs is crucial therefore all dogs at Oakwood Dog Rescue undergo comprehensive care, including neutering, flea treatment, deworming, full vaccination, and microchipping. For oversea dogs, rigorous blood testing is conducted prior their arrival in the UK.

Every dog in care undergoes continuous evaluation during their stay at the rescue. The skilled staff, actively engage with the dogs to assess their compatibility with both children and other dogs, ensuring a thorough understanding of each dog’s unique needs and characteristics.

To assist adopters, Oakwood Dog Rescue offers valuable support such as, 5 weeks of complimentary insurance with Agria, providing a safety net for unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, mandatory dog insurance ensures a reliable backup for the dogs in case of need. Furthermore, Oakwood Canine Services provides all adopters with a generous 6 weeks of free obedience training, empowering adopters to build a strong and special bond with their new companions.

However, as the peak summer events season concludes, Oakwood Dog Rescue anticipates a decline in income. The swift approach of winter signals an immediate surge in utilities expenses, adding to the financial challenges during the colder months. To continue running the rescue they depend entirely on donations and fundraisers. These crucial funds are essential for procuring necessary supplies such as food, medical care, and other essentials required for the well-being of the dogs in their care amid the challenges posed by the colder months.

Oakwood Dog Rescue goes the extra mile by sending adopters a comprehensive guide, offering valuable insights on managing behaviours at home and facilitating a smooth transition for the dog into its new environment. The commitment extends beyond adoption day, with lifelong support for both adopters and their canine companions. The organization takes pride in its dedicated aftercare support, ensuring the well-being and success of the dogs in their forever homes.