
MY fellow Councillors, Dale Smith and Jackie Whiteley, and I are greatly disappointed with Monday’s decision of Bradford Council’s Regulatory & Appeals Committee not to refuse planning permission for the construction of 500 houses on land situated off Sun Lane in the village of Burley in Wharfedale.

Along with Mr Jeff McQuillan, a former planning officer with Bradford Council, we opposed the planning application, on behalf of the majority of residents of Burley, on several grounds, including the prematurity of the application, as the Council’s Local Plan is still in development and a national review of the green belt is presently being undertaken; that the application does not meet the criteria of the ‘very special circumstances’ that are required for building in the green belt, and a lack of infrastructure to support such a huge housing development.

Our Constituency MP Philip Davies, will now request the Secretary of State to call-in the decision for it be reviewed at government level.

We hope that such a review will over-turn this decision, which can only be seen as misguided and not in the best interests of the residents of Burley in Wharfedale.

Cllr Gerry Barker

Wharfedale (Con)

Road monitoring

I Just read your article in the May 3 edition, and am so disgusted.

I am disgusted at the comment from Leeds Bradford Airport that they observe this road. This is a public road not a private road and clearly by this comment they are monitoring the traffic using it, which is simply wrong.

Are they recording such information, I ask, and can they prove they are not? That question could be a matter for the Data Protection Regulator I would suggest. Quite simply it’s the civilian police’s or the local authority’s role to police this road not the airport’s.

If they are so worried about the parking on the roads I suggest they, at their expense, provide an appropriate and convenient to users lay-by free to use on this road.

As to the free parking at the airport, frankly it’s not fit for purpose as it’s a distance away from the terminal entrances, very weather exposed and the bus service is just another obstacle to its use. Also use of this car park is deterred by the successive speed humps on the access road. A free to use drop off area not more than 50 metres from the terminal entrances with max waiting time of 30 minutes, is what is required

As to traffic hindrance, the airport is a major cause of that hindrance to the residents of the locality and to use that as an excuse against the public is untenable.

I recollect that the reason in the planning application was security, now it seems that this has changed to a question of access. Let us see and publish the full reasoning and information the airport has on this whole topic.

Stuart Garforth

Park Road Guiseley

Lazy car parking

AS I write a Wharfedale line bus is waiting on Kings Road for a lazily parked car or a commercial van to be moved so it can continue on its route.

The bus driver has been unable to find the drivers of either vehicle and after an hour has had to call the police for help to move one of them.

I know parking is in short supply in Ilkley but it would seem that common sense and courtesy is too.

Janet Souyave


Encouraging vote

ON behalf of Ilkley Green Party I would like to thank the 12 per cent of Ilkley residents who voted for me in last week’s local election. We are greatly encouraged by this support and look forward to working further with residents over the coming months. If we can be of any help in local matters please get in touch using ros.brown@greenparty.org.uk

Ros Brown

Ben Rhydding.

Thanks for vote

I WOULD like to thank the residents of Washburn Ward for re-electing me to Harrogate Borough Council, and I look forward to representing you.

Cllr Victoria Oldham

Bishopwood Farm


Walk for meningitis

WE’D love your readers to join us to take on a Lake District trek and help conquer meningitis at the same time.

Outdoor enthusiasts can take on next year’s challenge to climb eight peaks over 3,000 feet over two days. It’s not for the faint-hearted but it does promise spectacular views, serious adventure and a tremendous sense of achievement.

If it is for you, every step you take will help us to fight meningitis and move us closer to our vision of a future where no one in the UK dies from the disease and everyone affected gets the support they need.

Sadly, despite huge strides forward in vaccines and prevention, meningitis and septicaemia continue to affect thousands every year and kill more under-5s than any other infectious disease. Help us fight back on all fronts by funding research to eradicate the disease, raising awareness and supporting survivors.

Walking time over the two days, which includes climbing Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England, is about 18 hours and the route covers 20 miles. But we’ll look after you really well, leaving you free to concentrate on the trek and enjoy the breath-taking scenery – it really is a stunning route.

It takes place between 2 and 5 May next year, giving you plenty of time to prepare, and is suitable for individuals and groups. Interested? Find out more on our website at www.MeningitisNow.org. or email me – michaelai@meningitisnow.org

Michaela Ifill

Events Fundraiser, Meningitis Now

Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 3TJ