A primary school caretaker has been charged with a catalogue of sex offences against a young girl.

Donald Flood, who is caretaker at Pool C of E Primary School in Arthington Lane, Pool-in-Wharfedale, is accused of six offences of rape and five of indecent assault, involving the same alleged victim.

Flood, 58, appeared for a preliminary hearing before Judge Colin Burn at Bradford Crown Court yesterday when a trial date was fixed.

The allegations do not have any connection with the school and are historic sexual allegations, dating back to the 1970s.

Flood, who gave his address as Pool C of E Primary School when he first appeared in court, will next attend Crown Court in July for a plea and case management hearing.

Wearing a red top and blue jeans, the balding, grey-haired and clean-shaven Flood spoke to confirm his name during the ten-minute hearing yesterday.

Prosecutor Kitty Taylor told the judge Flood faced six allegations of rape and five of indecent assault.

“They are historic matters, dating back to between 1969 and 1974,” she said.

Mrs Taylor said it was likely the prosecution would add further counts of assault against the defendant.

The case was listed for a five-day trial in October.

Flood’s barrister Stephen Crossley said no guilty pleas were indicated and asked the judge to grant bail.

Judge Burn told Flood: “If you fail to attend court when required, you must understand there is a likelihood you will be arrested and kept in custody. Your bail conditions will remain as before.”

Flood was granted bail on condition that he does not contact a number of named witnesses.

Jane Held, independent chairman of Leeds Safeguarding Children Board, said: “We are aware of the charges brought against Mr Flood for serious historical offences, which are unconnected to any school in Leeds. The school acted quickly and appropriately and has been liaising with the police and the local authority throughout their inquiries.

“The school carried out all the necessary safeguarding checks prior to and during Mr Flood’s employment and there is no evidence that any child has been harmed during his employment at the school.

“We are aware the local authority began eviction procedures as soon as charges were brought.

“Mr Flood does not have access to the school premises other than his accommodation.”