I sometimes have trouble making New Year Resolutions.

I've either made them in previous years and broken them or I can't decide which of many I should take up this year. It isn't too late to make your New Year resolution (or to make a new one now the first one has been broken!).

If you are in need of ideas these are some of the resolutions that I and some of my clergy colleagues have made for this year:

Chris Sharp (Christchurch, Ilkley): "To treat each day as a gift to be enjoyed and used to make someone's life better and brighter."

Stuart Jenkins, (Ilkley Baptist Church): "To waste some time every day looking for laughter and noticing beauty."

Carole Johnston (All Saint's, Ilkley): "To make more effort to stay in touch with faraway friends and family."

Paul Tudge (All Saints Church, Ilkley): "To turn off the lights when I leave a room (unless there is someone else left in the room!)"

Christine Hey (Ilkley Methodist Circuit): "My resolution (sent by email) is to spend less time in front of a computer screen!"

Dan Price (Discovery Church): "Not to major on the minors - not to waste my time and energy worrying about things that don't really matter!"

I hope this might set you off on your own ideas. How about letting the letters page know what your resolutions have been?

We all wish you a very Happy New Year.