THE proposal to fence off all or part of the river from footpaths in Wharfemeadows Park in Otley is just the latest example of safety extremism and fear of modern-day litigation.

The former is a consequence of too much official nannying', borne out of people in positions where they have nothing better to do with their time but restrict other people's liberty. It has got to the stage where now, even the normally sensible Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has gone over the top. The fear of litigation is a result of the legal profession encouraging all and sundry to sue at the drop of a hat. For heaven's sake, we have adverts being broadcast on radio by firms of solicitors urging people to sue anybody over anything they can think of that's happened to them.

So we have it. Leeds City Council, having a commissioned a safety check on Wharfemeadows Park, feels that it has to follow the recommendations for fear of being sued. In consequence, the delightful walk along the riverside enjoyed by thousands of people each year is in danger of being ruined.

What a farce. Will Bridlington and Scarborough now have to fence off their harbours from tourists? Will all seaside resorts have to find a way of preventing visitors from going into the sea? In addition, as readers point out in our letters columns, will the next step be to put a fence along all pavements to stop people from crossing the roads?

What is wrong with enhancing the danger signs along the riverside at Otley warning people of the consequences of entering the river? If people are foolhardy enough to ignore those warnings, then it is their decision. Are we no longer responsible for our own actions?

Yes, there may be an occasional accident in the river, just as someone may fall downstairs at home. Does this all mean that stairs will have to be scrapped?

There are health and safety precautions which are based on sound commonsense and deserve to be in place. However, there are increasing numbers of so-called safetyregulations' that treat people as imbeciles and are a nonsense. This is one of the latter.