SIR, - I read with amazement the latest plans of the Nanny State to fence off the Wharfe in Otley, but would point out that by fencing off part, you leave youselves open to litigaion if there is another part unfenced, where someone could go paddle in the Wharfe and get attacked by the Great White Trout that has done for many an angler's bait over the last ten years.

If this story had appeared on April 1 I could have understood that it was an All Fool's Joke!

A wonderful beauty spot is to be despoiled by fencing. What type are you to have? Will it blend in with its surroundings? How high will it be? and last but by no means least, who is going to pay for it?

If the Civic Centre and the Jubilee Clock are anything to go by, the town will be in debt until 2107!!

To fence of the whole of the Wharfe from the bridge to the end of the river within the Leeds City Council area is going to be a phenomenal exercise and will be at a huge cost. The other side of the bridge, the part that leads down towards Ilkley, people walk along the river bank. Here also, you will need to fence both sides because people can gain access from the old Auction Mart site.

I have a very cost-effective solution for you. Put up a sign stating that all leisure facilities within the park and area, including the river, are used at a person's own risk.

This works perfectly well at the Grand Canyon in America, I have seen the sign! A more litiginous society than the American Way does not exist.

The next suggestion is to fence off the roads to prevent persons crossing them and perhaps getting knocked down by the juggernauts frequenting the streets of Otley and their dependants then suing the council for negligence in allowing traffic in the town.

I am confident the populace of Otley, like me, were astounded by this article. and will let commonsense will prevail.

How the hell did my generation who made their own amusement by swimming in rivers, climbing trees, goingcamping, hiking and many more adventurous activities, survive?

Richard Bleasdale Otley

Get real, please

SIR, - As the City Council is having a blitz on public safety, may I suggest that, as there have been a number of accidents involving injury to pedestrians stepping off the kerb on Bridge Street in Otley, and as there is a very real danger of a fatality as a consequence of this, that they erect fencing along the entire pavement to avoid being sued for not having done so!

Sound a little far fetched?

Not nearly as ridiculous as the current suggestion to fence off the river bank in the Wharfemeadows park where the perceived risk is theoretical and hitherto (due to there having been no accidents to date), imaginary.

In my experience, if you employ a consultant to show one thing or another, then they will invariably come up with the answer the commissioning body seeks.

What ever happened to commonsense and individuals taking responsibility for their own actions. In fencing off the river bank, this will not stop those intent on "taking a dip" from doing so, but will hamper any attempt by those trying to rescue them.

This suggestion, to me, seems like an extension of the Nanny State' we have thrust upon us and I for one will fight tooth and nail to prevent the vista of this exceptionally beautiful park from being spoilt.

In respect of real negligence, the pathways in the park have not had any major repair work done since 1970 and in places, are dangerous and carry a real risk of personal injury. Despite calls from the gardeners and myself, the much needed repair work is ignored.

Get real, City Council, please.

Jim Monte Otley

Hospital issues

SIR, - I was astounded after reading Julia Mulligan (Conservative candidate for Leeds NW) on your letters page (December 28) when she was attacking the Labour Government and proposed Wharfedale General Hospital cuts. I would like to put her straight on a few issues: 1) I find it amazing when she refers to Wharfedale Hospital as 'our', when she was been parachuted into the constituency from Skipton.

2) I also know the hospital after being born there and have had family members work there. I would like to remind you Julia that the Tories closed down the maternity ward.

3) The hospital users will not appreciate it to be lectured by the Tories, who wanted to close our hospital down when they were last in power. It was down to the hard work of Otley people, Labour town councillors and the then Labour MP, Harold Best, to fight not only to keep our hospital open, but to get it rebuilt.

As an 'outsider' I think she should have got her facts correct before sending her letter, but I feel it was a party political message to try to convince the people of Leeds NW that the Conservative Party had changed. Which we know it hasn't as a future Tory Government (through a Tory Party Commission) has agreed to spending cuts totalling billions of pounds to fund tax cuts.

Where would a future Tory Government then find money for Wharfedale Hospital then? Surely an £11m would escalate.

Coun Nigel Gill Labour, Manor Ward, Otley Town Council

Reconsider plea

SIR, - I was dismayed to read of the proposed closure of the acute ward for older people at the Wharfedale Hospital and that it is to be moved to St James Hospital.

This is a very difficult hospital to reach from Otley by public transport. What a miserable prospect for the sick pensioners and their usually, elderly visitors.

I can hardly believe that to save £750,000 the NHS is considering such a step, which will cause so much distress to a very vulnerable section of the community.

I call on them to reconsider such an action.

Joyce Thornton 3, Bermondsey Mews, Otley