SIR, - I am absolutely aghast at Leeds City Council plans to fence in the riverside in Otley's park. Is this not just ridiculous?

The pleasure of visiting the park for most people is to be spoiled by a fence "high enough to deter people from climbing over it" along the length of the pathway in the park, just in case a 'compensation' claim was brought and was successful against Leeds.

These recommendations are 'over the top'! Are we to see the length of the canal fenced as well? Would not a sign do, warning of any likely danger, such as those employed by Yorkshire Water at the Swinsty and Fewston reservoirs?

Will the New Year's Day swim, co-incidentally reported alongside your 'fence' leader comment last week, be prevented? I would sooner see money spent fighting any such claims rather than see the park despoiled in such permanent manner.

Ann Fairfoot 18 Newstead Road,Otley

Hospital fears

SIR, - I might be preoccupied and seeming obsessed with the fear of closure of Wharfedale Hospital. Others, as I read, are equally concerned the same way as I am.

However, having much more intimate information it enhances my fear a little further that in the year 2007 this hospital may close as an NHS provider and may become another private sector provider.

Historically,once any of the services are closed they never seem to be reinstated and the trust will inevitably find reasons to justify such reductions. While the local Councillors, in particular Councillor Graham Kirkland, are viewing this with their political eyes, not having enough insight to the real need for the local people, only the local MPs may be more apt to deal with such an important issue.

Therefore, I ask Paul Truswell, Labour MP, to investigate the truth. After all, his Government is responsible for all the financial mismanagement and waste (which may take years to rectify).

One simple example of waste that this City had five PCTs and is now more sensibly reduced to one.I wish the New Year will bring us some better news.

Dr Makhan Thakur Mall Lane, West Carlton

Hospital cant

SIR, - I can't tell you how nauseating I found the Tory candidate's crocodile tears about Wharfedale Hospital.

In the 18 years of Tory rule (presumably after the period of her selective childhood reminiscences) Wharfedale was run down and threatened with closure on several occasions.

Its rebuilding was down to our two local MPs: Harold Best and Paul Truswell; together with the huge amount of extra cash from this Government. They put their Tory predecessors to shame.

Local people are right to stick up for their hospital, as I have always done, and I share the concerns expressed by your readers. But Ms Milligan obviously thinks we are stupid or have short memories. Under the Tories many local hospitals closed, like Woodlands Orthopaedic in Rawdon and the Grove in Ilkley, not to mention Killingbeck, St George's in Rothwell, Roundhay Maternity Hospital and Marguerite Hepton in Boston Spa. At the same time waiting list and times went through the roof.

She talks about "...It is vital that we keep local services in local communities..." yet what about where her Tory chums are in control, like Leeds City Council?

Just before Christmas we heard how the council had stripped 93-year-old war veteran, Mr Thomas Place, of his social services. There were no comments then from Ms Miligan or the Tories at the Civic Hall on that one, just a nameless council "spokesman" saying Mr Place was an independent and able gentleman', even though he needs a walking frame and a wheelchair!

As a social worker for 34 years I find this cant unacceptable. No doubt the Tories will plead poverty, but they are always trumpeting how much extra they are spending on roads in Leeds. The politics are clear.

The Tories think there are more votes in roads and drivers than there are in older people. Consider these points and genuinely weep Ms Milligan!

David Tebb 15,Cavendish Road, Guiseley.

Fence delight'

SIR, - I am delighted to hear that the council is to ensure our safety by erecting a fence along the entire river bank in Otley Park.

The fence will provide a better diving platform and when people get stranded in the water it will be almost impossible to get out. that's why we still have fences at all our sporting arenas!

I look forward to the levelling of Caley Craggs and the rest of Otley Chevin to remove the chance of falling off into Bondgate! I suggest the wearing of hard hats at all future council meetings to protect our councillors from further brain damage (no of-FENCE).

A crackpot idea would be to spend the £100,000-plus on saving real lives at Otley Hospital, but this wouldn't be common- FENCE would it?

Richard Parker 25 Whiteley Croft Road, Otley.

Toll house query

SIR,- Re your article Across the Years'. Was there more than one toll house in Bradford Road? Because the last toll house in Otley is in Gay Lane near the Yeoman Inn.

It was refurbished five years ago for my husband and so a barn behind the Yeoman, the draymen keeping the fodder above the stalls with a trap door through.The ladder up to the loft was in the form of a horseshoe with room to put your feet.

Where was the stabling in Bradford Road? West Chevin Road is a long pull' and would need shire horses to hold' the wagons on the way down.

I have a beautiful document re my great-grand uncle Thomas Barker buying the toll house from the turnpike copmany in 1864. I believe the railways came to Otley around that time.

Thank you for an excellent paper.

Mrs Lofthouse, Farfield,4 Forest Gate,East Chevin Road,Otley.