POOL-IN-WHARFEDALE is reeling from a double blow after learning it is to lose the village lollipop lady and a Police Community Support Officer.

Former Otley traffic warden Linda Smith was only assigned as a PCSO for the Pool, Bramhope and Arthington beat three months ago but has already become a valued member of the three communities.

At her own request, however, PCSO Smith will soon be leaving to return to her previous beat in Leeds.

Pool Parish Council, meanwhile, has been told that crossing patrol warden Jackie Berry - who helps schoolchildren use the zebra crossing on Main Street - is resigning.

Mrs Berry filled the position last February after it had been empty for three years.

Parish council Chairman Councillor Hazel Lee said: "We were very sorry to hear that Linda Smith, our PCSO, is moving on to another ward. She's going back to Leeds.

"We were upset because she has done some really good work in the three months she's been with us. We understand we are getting a replacement but they will have some big boots to fill.

"We have also learnt that the lollipop lady has resigned and that came as a bit of a shock, so we've taken a step backwards there and two people who were part of village life are going.

"We have, again, had concerns about the zebra crossing because the lights have been out there and we are pursuing the issue from a road safety angle to see what can be done."

PCSO Smith was actually called in to monitor traffic on Main Street last November after a van driver smashed into Mrs Berry's lollipop' sign.

The crossing has long been a cause for concern and the previous patrol warden, William Shears, claimed when he retired in 2002 that the road had become too dangerous to continue.

POOL2020 Chairman Bernard Mitchinson has called on the parish council to make a case to Leeds City Council for it to be replaced with a lights controlled crossing.