PLANS to build a fence between Otley's Wharfemeadows Park and the River Wharfe could turn visitors away.

The town's three ward councillors say they are against plans to build a safety barrier along the stretch of river from Otley Bridge to the skatepark and have called for common sense to prevail.

Now they are to hold a meeting with Leeds City Council's parks bosses before the end of the month to discuss how warning signs should be installed in more sensitive areas instead..

Councillors Graham Kirkland, Colin Campbell and Ryk Downes have confirmed some fencing will have to be put up where the river is at its most dangerous.

Coun Kirkland (Lib Dem, Otley and Yeadon) said it was important that people were not put off visiting the park.

"We will be looking for officers to consider only fencing what is essential for public safety. I feel a full length fence would spoil the area's natural beauty. We want to be encouraging people to this area and not turning them away."

Coun Campbell (Lib Dem, Otley and Yeadon) said: "While we can see that it would be sensible to fence certain sections of the river bank, the area round the children's play area for example, we think that fencing all the stretch of river is a pointless exercise and would be of little value. Indeed, it may be more dangerous in that people would be tempted to climb the barrier."

The recommendations were made by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) following the deaths last year of two boys in the lake at Roundhay Park.

Coun Ryk Downes (Lib Dem, Otley and Yeadon) said the council needed to act on the recommendaations to avoid court action if someone was to fall in the river.

He said: "We have to take heed of these recommendations otherwise in this litigious society the council could be liable for costs of millions of pounds."

Coun Downes said although some areas should be fenced, he would like to see others, including directly in front of Bridge Avenue, served with warning signs.

"I question if a fence is really necessary here and feel that better signage might be more appropriate.

"I ink this is a question of people not really having a full understanding of the area. We need to get the officers down there and see what is really necessary.

"I feel this is a waste of money. People have been using Wharfemeadows Park for years without any problems. If someone is determined to get into the river a fence will not stop them."

He added that no fence would put off those determined enough to get it, but it would prevent any accidental falling ins at the most vulnerable parts of the river.

"If we put a fence along the whole river, we will also have to put one along Tittybottle Park and the park on the other side of the river," he added.