As a branding exercise it may have been a success but Bradford College's new logo is surely a PR disaster.

At a time when the public are complaining of closures and cutbacks it does seem to defy belief that the organisation would consider spending £200,000 on branding.

The college is stressing that the cost of the exercise itself is only £50,000 and they say that the further £150,000 being spent on the replacement of literature etc is expenditure that would have been necessary anyway.

But whatever the college's arguments about the need for the branding strategy it is bound to upset people who have seen money saving measures in other areas.

It is only months since Burley Grange closed its doors to students, and the people of Burley-in-Wharfedale found themselves without provision for adult education in their village.

So it's not surprising that there should be anger at the news that this sort of money is being spend on this sort of exercise.

IT is difficult to see what can be done to ease the problem of Otley's Cambridge estate. The simple fact is that there are too many cars for the number of available parking places.

The Victorian terraces simply were not designed to accommodate the number of cars and the width of the roads not sufficient to cope with cars parked on both sides of the roads. Now, residents are calling for something to be done. But what?

A residents only parking scheme could take years to implement and would only result in pushing the problem somewhere else - if there is anywhere else. Also, such schemes are not always popular and can be very expensive.

A 20 mph speed limit around All Saints Primary School would reduce the speed of some motorists, but unless properly policed would be ignored by the determined speeder.

Sadly, the only real answer must be that those who live and use the estate need to adapt - or get rid of the car.