SIR, - I was born and bred in Otley, leaving when I joined the WRMS in 1943, still have an affection for the town and the paths and pay at least an annual visit there.

My mother, Florence Bellerby, wrote to your paper for many years (I still have the cuttings) about various matters, but mainly about the park and in praise of the gardeners. However, she would have turned in her grave at the mere idea of fencing off the river.

I remember when the rowing boats were moored there, paddling on those steps, swimming in the river and our annual river swimming race and I have no recollection of accidental drowning or near tragedies, especially as the river is quite shallow at the edges except at flood or near flood times.

Also, how we skated on the river in winter - I have photos to prove it. We must not lose our frontage of the beauty of the park.

We lost some when the paddling pool and the flat topped shelter (which would be considered a hazzard nowadays as we played on the top and spent so many happy hours. Indeed, we scrambled up and down the banks, higher up the river.

I only remember one member of our Chippendale Rise gang breaking a leg, but she was a Leeds townie evacuee'.

Each year I see a deterioration in the state of the town. Footpaths are so bad that I'm surprised that the council are not being sued for accidents - all since we came under Leeds management - making Leeds better but Otley worse?

One wonders with all this bureaucracy where will it draw the line. Will they fence off Windermere and stop people feeding ducks and swans there?

D Jobling(Mrs), Cragg Hill Road,Horton-in-Ribblesdale,Settle.


SIR, - I am writing in response to the article suggesting that it may be necessary to install safety fencing to the side of the river in Wharfemeadows Park, Otley. I have lived in and been associated with Otley for almost 60 years - including seven years when I and many hundreds of other people used the park on our route to and from Prince Henry's Grammar School. As far as I can remember there have been no accidental drownings in that part of the river. There is access to the river for much of its course through the Leeds area so are we to assume that fencing will be needed at all points of access?

Does this also mean that all other bodies of water in Leeds will need fencing - I refer particularly to Yeadon Tarn and the lake at Golden Acre Park? Would it not be simpler, cheaper and certainly more pleasing to the eye to post a disclaimer beside the river and at all lakes and tarns. This is yet another case of Health and Safety bureaucracy gone mad and another sad reflection on our litigation crazy society.

Ruth Ennis West View Avenue,Burley-in-Wharfedale.

Festival thanks

SIR, - Huge thanks to all who so kindly donated items to the Wharfedale Festival of Performing Arts Auction!

We are truly grateful for their generosity, and I am delighted to report that their kind support has enabled us to raise £1,700 towards our next Festival, which begins on May 12. Copies of the syllabus are available at Ilkley Library, Grove Music and the Tourist Information Centre, and can, of course, be accessed from the Festival website at Copies of the Festival Centenary CD, Centenary Celebration', are also available, at £8, (£8.50 including postage and packing), either from the website or by phone from the Festival Secretary at (01943) 872067.

Elizabeth Sharp Festival Secretary, Bradford Road,Menston.

Raw nerve

SIR, - Judging by councillor Nigel Gill's reaction last week, it seems Julia Mullligan has touched on something of a raw nerve when it comes to Wharfedale General Hospital.

Nigel blandly states that the Tories wanted to close the hospital down when they were last in power. It is absolutely not the case.

What possible evidence has he to back this assertion? There were never any proposals to close the hospital down. The discussion over the years centred on when the hutted wards would be replaced, not whether or not the whole hospital should be closed down.

When his party chairman, Hazel Blears MP, is seen leading the protest against a hospital closure in her own constituency, a closure in accordance with the very policy her own Cabinet colleagues have initiated, one can understand that embarrassed Labour councillors like Nigel feel the need to bluster about Otley Hospital.

Julia Mulligan is right though -under Labour our hospital, following one cut after another, is gradually losing its purpose and it is time something was done to stop the decline.

Coun Clive Fox 99 Breary Lane East, Bramhope.

Wasting money

SIR, - I 100 per cent agree with both letters attacking proposals to fence off the River Wharfe.

Being a town councillor I have also had residents contacting me regarding this issue. I am amazed that Lib Dem-controlled Leeds City Council is proposing to spend money on such a useless project.

They will probably used Health and Safety as an excuse to fence off one of Otley's focal points. To my knowledge how many people have actually fallen into the river and drowned? As a child I used to paddle in the river below the weir and believe Leeds City Council is going over the top.

I'd also remind the city council there are signs on the river bank warning of the dangers of the River Wharfe. Therefore anyone entering the river knows of the dangers and only have themselves to blame if any harm comes to them.

Instead of wasting money on this hairbrained scheme they should be investing money on other schemes like improving Otley's roads, as they have 1,066 compensation claims across the city due to potholes totalling £2.8m.

Alternative projects could include ridding our streets of litter and graffiti or even putting the funds towards part of the funding to refurbish the Civic Centre to name just a few. However, I believe your readers will have further suggestions.

Finally, where are our Lib Dem city councillors? One agrees with the project while the other two remain amazingly quiet. One comparison I could give them are modern Emperor Neros, they fiddle while Otley crumbles! (Probably down a pothole or under litter).

Coun Nigel Gill Labour,Manor Ward,Otley Town Council.

Born on same day

SIR, - I am looking for people born on February 26, 1981 to ask them to come forward to take part in a journalistic project.

I m hoping to meet everyone born on the same day as myself in the UK to form the basis of a book and possible television documentary.

Taking stock of my life one evening, I got to thinking about other people my age and what their lives were like. Then I started thinking about people born on the same date as me - perhaps we would share common bond? I thought it would be an amusing idea to try to meet them all and see for myself.

After doing a bit of research I discovered that approximately 1800 people are born on any one day in the UK. This was a fair few more than I'd expected, but I hope to identify them all and bring as many as possible together for a World Record breaking birthday party."

Belinda's Birthdate Buddies' are asked to get in touch with a short description of themselves and their lives.

"I plan to feature the most interesting personal stories, from those who have started new lives abroad, made extraordinary achievements or perhaps wound up in prison. I also want to find out about any who may have died. I hope my journey will take me worldwide, lead me to meet great friends and document a generation."

If you were born on 26 February 1981, or know of anyone who was, please get in touch with me.

Belinda Cole email