The Meaning of Life - Now there's a subject to tackle! And one that any endeavour to undertake would find hard in so few words.

But it is the current title for Auntie Beeb's (BBC1) 10:15pm Sunday evening program.

The formats pretty standard . A smattering of celebrities, Alan Tichmarsh, Jonny (Rotten) Lydon, Carol (Very) Smillie, Dame Kelly Holmes to name but a few and as standard - narration by the recently wed Vicar of Dibley'....all sharing their memoirs, thoughts and views on - The Almighty, The Church, God and other spiritual things A light-hearted half an hour it is, of which I'd say I've laughed, smiled (and cringed) my way through. Though as I now sit watching Match of the Day', I'm left feeling as if I've been party to an epilogue or even obituary to God Yes, much of what our' assembly of the famous' have pinpointed is full tradition, customs, practices and beliefs which don't seem to some to rest well in 21st century, and we can either mock, reject or vehemently hold dear to these, as sacrosanct.

My point is this, - as I travel to work, I do pray that God will be with me that day and as I think of my kids, I do pray for them, that their lives would be filled with good things, that they'd be safe from harm. As I think of my parents, friends and family, I'd ask for health wealth and prosperity and...

Now, there doesn't seem to be a quickening towards peace in the Middle East, or global warming getting sorted Maybe it's too simple for some, perhaps this highlights me as the fool, but in all these things I do look to Gods intervention, his understanding, - his help and grace.

This I know and my life displays - He hears me, helps me and knows me, no matter what stress, disappointment, or blow should fall.

Boring, irrelevant, untrue? Somehow my heart tells me - "I just don't think so"

Last year (for me) will not be recorded as a great year'. And some would point out calamities as justification that there is No God' or that He's dead, or not interested any more, But I'd close by saying "When I walk through life's dark valleys" (Psalm 23) I know that He in that place is with me and it's Him I continue to find a quality and strength and Meaning to Life.

How about you?