The passing of Edward Ted' Winpenny leaves a huge void in the life of Otley.

A down to earth - some might even say blunt - man, he would first and foremost describe himself as a photographer. In fact, he was much more than that.

Edward, as he preferred to be called, was passionate about everything he did. His heart was in Otley and he gave freely of his time and seemingly boundless energy to a wide range of groups and activities.

Very few people can have involved themselves in the life of a town as much as Edward did. From the Rotary Club and Chamber of Trade, through the Manor Club and Otley Little Theatre to Otley Preservation Society and the First Responders, he was a major influence. His lifetime involvement with the Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association speaks for itself and this was only the tip of a considerable iceberg of activities.

Organisations like these are the lifeblood of a town, and people like Edward Winpenny provide the heartbeat that keeps it all flowing. In recent years, at an age when it would have been quite appropriate for him to have said I've done my bit' and put his feet up, he was instrumental in the setting up and running of the Otley First Responders team, which aims to prevent people dying before medical help can reach them.

The award of Honorary Citizenship was richly deserved and he was proud of the fact that it had come from the town he loved to support. It seemed that whenever there was an event, he was there to add his backing.

With his handlebar moustache, Edward was an instantly recognised figure on these occasions. In fact, his was a presence that was expected.

Otley has indeed lost a true friend, whose contribution to its life should never be forgotten.