SIR, - Councillor Nigel Francis should be so lucky that his green wheelie bin has only been emptied once since it was delivered' (Observer January 18).

Here in Carlton Lane in Guiseley, the new bins delivered in the week beginning November 27, 2006. have yet to be emptied and are, of course, overflowing. Phone calls to the city council on December 29 and January 2 produced promises to get on to it' but nothing more.

What do we pay our (ever-increasing) Council Tax for? Clearly it is not to support the front-line services which affect us all. Rather it seems to be used increasingly to pay for the non-jobs whose numbers have mushroomed in the last two politically-correct decades.

George Dickinson,5 Carlton Lane, Guiseley.

The problems of green bin collections

SIR, - I have read with interest the article in this week's Wharfedale and Airedale Observer regarding the problems Coun Nigel Francis is having with collection of wheelie bins.

Residents in Westgate are also experiencing similar problems and after our wheelie bins were delivered. I telephoned City Services to ask the whereabouts of our collection point as Westgate is a very busy main road and with the entrance to two garages down Dawson's Yard, they would cause obstruction. I was told we were to leave them at the rear of our properties and they would be collected in the same way as dustbins were collected previously.

The grey waste bins were collected but the council failed to collect the green recycling ones. I subsequently telephoned again and was informed the matter would be reported and I would receive a telephone call within 48 hours. Needless to say, this did not happen.

Therefore, I telephoned again and was asked if I wanted to make an official complaint. This I did and was told I would receive a letter within three days informing me of the name of the person who would be investigating my complaint (as my telephone call was on December 22, I did not expect a letter within this time.) I received a letter around January 6 (dated Jan 2) informing me the matter was being fully investigated and that City Services would contact me within 15 days to reports on their findings. To date, I have heard nothing and if Coun Francis cannot achieve anything, what chance is there for the rest of ratepaying residents of Otley.

We have found out, through asking the refuse men, where our collection is and on what day the green bins will be emptied. They explained the reason our green bins were not emptied in December was because they didn't know we had any!

Judith Dawson 27 Westgate, Otley.

Green bin collection is a shambles

SIR, - My wife and I were very interested in your article detailing the problems with rubbish collection in the Wharfedale Observer. We were pleased to hear we are not alone.

In mid December we in West Chevin Road received our Wheelie Bins together with a card listing the dates of collection. Since then the whole system has been seen to be a shambles.

The green bin has been emptied once since it arrived despite being put out on the 'allotted' day. We have telephoned Leeds City Council at least six times, each time receiving different collection days. We have also telephoned three local councillors all to no avail.

The green bin was outside the front gate for 10 days. The footpath is approximately three feet wide which puts pedestrians at risk tying to get past the bin. We are concerned that this could cause an accident. This is a busy road and is simply not suitable for wheelie bins.

We have requested the council to collect the bins and we will continue to used black bags for our rubbish and take our recycle items up to Ellar Ghyll as we have done for years.

A return to common sense. From you article it appears that the main concern with the councillors interviewed is that of meeting targets. If my bins are not removed I could be joining Councillor Francis and leaving them at the council offices.

Alan Broadbent, Low Close Cottage,West Chevin Road,Otley

Let's get the facts right

SIR, - I'd like to take up a number of the points raised by David Tebbs in his letter of January 11.

Firstly by dismissing my 'selective childhood reminiscences' he dismisses the excellent and sympathetic care I received in Wharfedale Hospital after a nasty fall.

Secondly, Mr Tebb may not have noticed, but the Conservatives have been campaigning vigorously for months now to stop Gordon Brown's cuts in NHS staff and services - and please do not mistake this for denigrating the work Harold Best did to help rebuild our hospital.

But it's a fact that this Labour Government is responsible for the current cuts, not the Conservatives. So please do not lay the past at my door - I was 12 years old in 1979.

The modern Conservative Party is wholly committed to the NHS and indeed, we shall be pressing to take it out of the direct hands of politicians. The last ten years of short term, political manoeuverings have demonstrated quite clearly that it is time for this lifeline of society to stop being a political pawn.

Thirdly, driving around it's obvious that in some areas the roads are in a terrible state and it's right to sort them out. However, I'd like to make my politics clear - it's people, social responsibility and communities that matter the most and it's essential that we support vulnerable people in our community. I won't fight shy of that.

Finally, Mr Tebb might afford me the courtesy of getting my name right. I know Mulligan is less well known locally than than my maiden name, Garnett, but he should check his facts before lambasting people in public.

Mrs Julia Mulligan Prospective Conservative Candidate, Leeds North West.

Threat to traders

SIR, - I find it quite astonishing that councilors Ryk Downes, Gerald McGowan, Colin Campbell and Norman Harrison all welcomed the proposed new Netto in last week's Observer, yet failed to appreciate the fact that the plans will affect many residents, and put another nail in the coffins of our existing independent traders.

They may be willing to roll over and kowtow to Netto's demands but some of us are getting ready to fight.

I look forward to hearing their responses along with our MP, Greg Mulholland, who sits on the House of Commons All-Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group, which put together the High Street Britain 2015 report.

C'mon Greg which side of the fence are you on? The unique independent small trader or the bland big supermarket?

RICHARD HAMER Cross Green,Otley.

Store comments

SIR, - I was surprised to read (January 18th) of the welcome given by Councillor Gerald McGowan to the proposed new supermarket at the site of the former Otley Motors.

Anticipating the outcome of such a significant development by the chairman of the Councils Plans Committee could signal prejudice on the impartiality of such a role.

It is important to note that the impact on the conservation status of the town of a development such as this seems to fall counter to Otley Council being committeed to supporting small traders and preserving the market town ethos.

As elected councilllors I would request comments such as these in our local paper should be balanced and based upon consultation with local residents.

Richard Hogston Sent via e-mail.

Tory facts

SIR, - Although I enjoy Clive Fox's contributions, I would like to make the following facts: 1) When Tories attack Labour over their record, it is only to cover up their poor handling over the NHS when they were last in power. It was the 1945 Labour Government that created the NHS, while the Tories at the time opposed its creation.

2) Regarding service cutbacks at Wharfedale Hospital, what the Tories fail to tell your readers' general surgery has doubled since the new hospital building was opened and possible services like dialysis could be transferred to Wharfedale.

3) Clive asked me what proof I had that the Tories wanted to close down Wharfedale. Why did all those Otley residents march to save the hospital? They wouldn't have done so for no reason and was common knowledge if he had asked any Otley resident at the time.

4) Do the Tories realise every time they attack the NHS to try to score cheap political points,- they attack staff morale. This point has not been made by a councillor, but by a relative who works as a Staff Nurse (although not at Wharfedale).

David Cameron is trying to convince the British public that the NHS is safe in his hands, yet is the author of the 2005 Tory Manifesto who suggested 'Patient Passports' which would have meant the end of the Health Service as we know it.

Finally I suppose he disagrees with other readers who disagree with Julia too? Does he think Mr Tebbs is wrong too? After all I would believe Mr Tebb more than a Tory candidate, especially working in his field and his experience speaks for itself. I was also was disgusted with the story of the 93-year-old gentleman having services withdrawn. Utterly disgraceful! How can Julia defend her fellow Tories who are coalition with the Lib Dems on Leeds City Council?

Coun Nigel Gill Labour,Manor Ward,Otley Town Council.

Heads in the sand

SIR, - I am stunned and disappointed at the hypocritical head in the sand' attitude of leeds City Council concerning their consideration of a fence along the River Wharfe at Otley.

The council claims it is fulfilling its responsibilities to ensure as far as possible that there are no accidents on an extremely dangerous and fast-flowing river....' Why, then, are they not fulfilling their reponsibilities to prevent accidents on an extremely dangerous stretch of road on which high and fast'flowing lorries and other HGVs pass to and from North Yorkshire, past an entrance to Prince Henry's Grammar School, and through the narrow streets of Otley all day long and virtually every day?

Despite a long campaign by local residents, the council has steadfastly ignored all such responsibilities by developing terminal inertia to demands for an HGV ban on this stretch of road with excuse after excuse.

Now they are pandering to outside parties who have not the slightest interest in Otley's longstanding road problems, whilst totally overriding the wishes of residents (electors).

Come on, Leeds City Council. Stop wasting time and money spoiling our riverside. If you are seriously concerned about the safety of people in Otley, and their children, get your priorities right, stop prevaricating and go ahead with the ban on lorries, which you have virtually agreed to but seem incapable of implementing.

Do it now. It only takes a 7.5-tonne limit on the bridge for through traffic.

KEITH ROBERTS 105 St David's Road, Otley.

Waste of time

SIR, - Presumably, Leeds City Council is thinking of putting a fence along the river at Wharfemeadows Park because children might fall into the water.

There can be no other reason. Adults are aware of the dangers and steer clear. Children often act without thinking.

However, children are adventurous and have been known to climb over fences. If this were to happen down by the river and they got into difficulties, such a fence could leave them trapped.

A fence is unnecessary, a waste of time and money, and will spoil what is the town's main beauty spot.

Surely there are better things for the council to spend our money on.