BATTLE lines are being drawn up to prevent hundreds of new homes being built in Bramhope.

A scheme for up to 380 homes and a convenience store was turned down by Leeds planners last year. But now the issue will be fought over again after the news that the developer Miller Homes is appealing against the decision.

The proposals for Breary Lane East prompted outrage when they were first put forward in 2013 – with Bramhope Parish Council urging villagers to oppose the scheme. The council put forward a strongly-worded statement stressing that the development was not welcome and warning that it would “radically change the character of Bramhope”.

Ward councillors and the area’s MP Greg Mulholland also opposed the scheme, and more than 800 people objected to the proposals, fearing their impact on the village’s roads, school and other services and the loss of green fields.

Leeds City Council turned the application down on a number of grounds, arguing that the release of the site for housing development would be premature and that the development would be detrimental to the safe and free flow of traffic.

Among its other arguments the council said the site did not meet the minimum accessibility standards.

Miller Homes is arguing that the development of high-quality, family homes will help meet a significant shortfall of housing in the area, and it has now submitted an appeal to the planning inspectorate.

Adel and Wharfedale ward councillor Barry Anderson said: “I am disappointed that the applicants and their agent have chosen to appeal this application as the council does have a five-year land supply and this development is premature and the other reasons for refusal are still equally as applicable now as they were when the application was first refused.

“I would also reiterate my concern that the 70,000 housing target by the council is wrong and overstates the number of houses that should be built and this is reiterated with the housing projection information that was published.”

Bramhope and Carlton Parish Council chairman Denis Johnson said: “I can confirm the parish council will be represented at the hearing.”

Visit to make further comments, or write to the Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/10B Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN quoting appeal Reference: APP/N4720/W/15/3004106. The deadline is Thursday, April 2.