WHARFEDALE and Aireborough residents are being asked to show their appreciation for the country’s Armed Forces at home this year.

The 2020 Armed Forces Day takes place on Saturday, June 27 and would normally have been marked, on the day itself and dates on either side of it, by hundreds of events across the UK.

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis, however, has meant that such events - which would have included this time the very first Otley Armed Forces Day - have had to be cancelled.

Leeds City Council is instead encouraging people to celebrate the courage and commitment of the UK’s Armed Forces, who have been part of the front-line response to the coronoavirus, in other ways.

The council will still be flying the Armed Forces Day Flag from the Civic Hall and Leeds Town Hall from June 20 to June 27, while its buildings will be lit up in red, white and blue.

It is asking residents to play their part by supporting initiatives like the Salute Our Forces campaign which involves people posting photos or videos of themselves saluting using the hashtag #SaluteOurForces #LeedsAFD20 and tagging @LeedsAFD and @ArmedForcesDay.

The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Eileen Taylor, said: “I’m delighted and honoured to be hosting the city’s Armed Forces Day celebrations. Unfortunately we cannot hold the usual Flag Raising Ceremony or the parade this year but we can still come together at home to acknowledge and show our thanks.

“As a city we are extremely proud of our long and distinguished military history and of our current Armed Forces personnel who work in various deployments at home and abroad – addressing emergencies, providing security and supporting numerous initiatives in dangerous situations, with great dedication and professionalism.

“I would like to thank them all and especially for their contribution with the ongoing pandemic.”

Leeds Armed Forces Champion Councillor Jane Dowson added: “Leeds Armed Forces Day is a chance for us all to say a big thank you to our service men and women.

“I think everyone will want to join with me in thanking Armed Forces personnel for all the work they are doing currently to help during the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to offer a big thank you to everyone taking part and I will be saluting them all on Saturday.

“I hope you will join me and tune in to Chapel FM – 94.6FM from 10am to 4pm for a dedicated day of activities including pre-recorded interviews, phone ins and dedications.”

Otley Town Mayor Councillor Peter Jackson, who is founder and Honorary President of Otley Armed Forces Day Committee, said: "I would urge residents to remember our Armed Forces - we always pay respect to our fallen, now it's time to remember and praise our serving Armed Forces.

"In difficult times we see our Armed Forces step in to keep community services operational. Over the years we have seen them take up the roles as bin men and fire men during strikes and this year we have seen them build the Nightingale Hospital in Harrogate to help with COVID-19.

"We have many young men and women from Otley and the surrounding areas entering the Army Foundation College Harrogate to embark on a career within the Army. These young people are prepared to serve to ensure we live in peace and are protected.

"The Otley Armed Forces Day event had to be cancelled but plans are going ahead to hold this in 2021.

"Join together and show your support this year within your own home: hang bunting, fly flags, hold family barbecues. Show our Armed Forces you support them."

Other ideas on how people can show their support, including by making or flying flags, bunting or banners, can be found at https://www.armedforcesday.org.uk/get-involved/.