THE world of rodeo riders in South Dakota is the setting for The Rider, the film which opens Ilkley Film Society’s new season on Sunday, September 12, at 8pm, at Ilkley Playhouse.

Once a rising star of the rodeo scene, young Brady is living in poverty after suffering a serious head injury while competing. Horses are his life and he scrapes a living breaking wild horses, hoping one day to ride again. As he bonds with a new horse, Apollo, his life becomes more rewarding, but the temptation grows to risk everything to ride in a rodeo once more.

Director Chloe Zhao is much more famous today than when she made The Rider, as her next film, Nomadland, won three Oscars.

The later film used mostly non-professional actors playing characters similar to their real selves; The Rider uses no professional actors at all – all the performers are Lakota Sioux from the Pine Ridge reservation. The fine cinematography is the work of Joshua James Richards, who previously shot the Yorkshire film God’s Own Country.

There has been an encouraging take-up of membership for the society’s new season, but places are still available. Non-members are welcome as guests (£4), but are asked to phone Dave Howell on 01943 430097 in advance to ensure admission. Information about the new season and how to join the society, is available at