THE MACMILLAN Cancer Support fundraising group in Otley will hold a Table Top Sale at The Core this month.

The event will take place from 10am to 1pm on Friday, February 18. There will be a variety of stalls, including a homemade cake stall. Organisers are appealing to the public to support the sale.

The fundraising group celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2019, having raised more than £150,000 over a decade.

Macmillan Cancer Support began in 1911 when the Society for the Prevention and Relief of Cancer was founded by Douglas Macmillan who had watched his own father die of cancer.

The charity's website says: "His father's pain and suffering moved Douglas so much, he founded the Society for the Prevention and Relief of Cancer.

"Douglas wanted advice and information to be provided to all people with cancer, homes for patients at low or no cost, and voluntary nurses to attend to patients in their own homes.

"Today much of Douglas's legacy lives on. We’ve continually adapted the support we offer to ensure it’s right for people today, and will be right in the future too. Our determination to continually improve the experience of cancer is something that will never waver."