A PILOT project which sees victims of domestic abuse being able to seek help in fire stations is being launched today.

The district-wide scheme, called Safe Spot, is run by Bradford Council, which sees various locations within the community become hubs of support for those fleeing domestic abuse.

Eight fire stations across Bradford, including Ilkley Fire Station, have signed up to the initiative, making West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue the first fire service in the UK to provide support to victims in this way. Victims of domestic abuse will be given a private space to access useful information and will be provided with a phone to contact a helpline, support service, or to talk to a friend or family member.

The launch comes as tech abuse is on the rise, where perpetrators use technology to stalk, isolate and control their victims using their mobile phones, smart devices or social media accounts. By providing a phone for people to use, Safe Spots ensure that victims and survivors can speak to support services without the fear of being monitored.

The plan is to roll out the Safe Spot scheme to more organisations across Bradford, so victims and survivors know that they are safe no matter where they are across the district.

Councillor Abdul Jabar said: “Through our Safe Spot partners we are creating a community response to the trauma created by domestic abuse. We want to make sure that people across our district have different ways of reporting their concerns and to ask for help where needed. These don’t change the fact that the police are available if a crime is committed and that we have excellent domestic abuse services available by phone or through web chat. We know that some people facing abuse might not have free access to their phone or the confidence to call an organisation they have never spoken to.

“Safe Spots are district organisations that people already have confidence in and this is why we chose the fire service as our first partner. They are places people might pass by on their way to the shop or when taking their children to school. As part of our response to domestic abuse and sexual violence we are saying that using a Safe Spot will mean that you can get support to learn about your options and help to take that next step to safety. We encourage people to use our Safe Spots if they need help and I would encourage other organisations to volunteer to become Safe Spots to help widen our network”

Jemma Burgess, West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service district prevention manager added: “To pilot the concept, the fire service staff who work in our stations have been given guidance on how to support victims in those crucial moments after fleeing an abusive situation.

“While not specifically trained as domestic abuse workers, our staff will ensure victims are given access to a private and secure area, provided contact numbers for local and national support services, and given access to a phone to use free of charge.”

Benjy Bush, West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Bradford district manager commented: “Domestic abuse is often hidden and is not always violent. It continues to be a challenge in Bradford and an urgent threat to too many people. It is only by working in partnership with other agencies, organisations, and within the communities it affects, that we can reduce the number of people suffering from this crime.”

The fire stations open as a Safe Spot are:

Bingley - Keighley Road Bingley Bradford BD16 2RD

Bradford - 540 Leeds Road Bradford BD3 9SB

Fairweather Green - Thornton Road Fairweather Green Bradford BD8 0EH

Ilkley - Little Lane Ilkley LS298JJ

Keighley - Bradford Road Keighley BD21 4BW

Odsal - Huddersfield Road Odsal Bradford BD6 1DJ

Shipley - Shipley Fields Road Shipley BD18 2FA

Silsden - Elliot Street Silsden Keighley BD20 0DE

If you are an organisation and you would like to become a Safe Spot, please contact: Domestic.Abuse@bradford.gov.uk.