A WOMAN who saved her husband's life after he went into cardiac arrest has taken part in a CPR course at the school where she used to teach.

John Goldthorp, 60, was saved by his wife Andrea, a former Guiseley School PE teacher, when he collapsed following a cricket match at Pool-in-Wharfdale last year.

Andrea used a defibrillator to restart her husband's heart, helped by other club members, including two off-duty police officers, who performed CPR.

After the shocking event John, Andrea and other members of their cricket club decided they wanted to learn CPR - realising how valuable the knowledge and skills can be when faced with a life or death situation like John’s.

Andrea visited Guiseley School to take part in a course run by the school's Site Supervisor, Tony White. The school have three defibrillator units placed around and several trained medics on site.

Tony said: “Something like what happened to John shows just how important it is for as many people to know CPR as possible. It really can make the difference in saving someone’s life. The defibrillator units are becoming a more common sight on the high street which is fantastic, but we need see more encouragement for the public to learn CPR also.”