Around 200 people attended a Green Fair organised by Otley Corthouse.

Members of climate action group Otley 2030 talked to about 100 people at the event about how to move the town towards zero carbon status within the next decade. Stalls and information on transport options, food choices, energy solutions and protecting Otley’s natural environment were popular, as was a display about how to build a climate, nature and people friendly development on the East of Otley site.

An ‘Otley Doughnut’ stall demonstrating the impact of ‘global North’ emissions on the ‘global South’, and the part that Otley can play in changing this, received a lot of attention, and many people signed up to receive the Otley 2030 newsletter.

An Otley 2030 spokesperson said: "This year the Green Fair was all about Otley. It was a fantastic event and has given us hope that, when we work together, we can go forward with confidence that change is possible."