A BEAUTY college is offering sponsorship to Ukrainian refugees.

The Yorkshire College of Beauty in Yeadon is hoping to give three place on courses to young people who have escaped the war.

The offer was described by Leeds North West MP Alex Sobel during a visit to the college when he met with new owner Lewis Hatcher and former owner, Christine Tilley, who remains at the college for the foreseeable future during the transition.

Mr Sobel spoke about plans the college has and said: "The College would also like to offer sponsorship to Ukrainian refugees. Possibly one in Beauty one in Sports Instructor and one in Sports Massage, to anyone over the age of 16, Beauty courses would start in September the Sports courses can start anytime."

He added: "This a generous and excellent opportunity being provided by the college, if anyone locally is hosting a Ukrainian refugee who would be interested, please do get in touch with Lewis at college. Contact details can be found at: https://www.ycob.co.uk/contact-us/.

"All the courses are internationally recognised, so qualifications can be used if students wish to return to Ukraine or relocate in the future."

Mr Hatcher also has a training academy in the North East. His background is in the fitness industry and he wants to grow apprenticeships in this area as well covering Level 2 and 3 qualifications in both Fitness Instructors and Sports Massage.

He is also hoping to take training into the prison service, and Mr Sobel has agreed to write to the Justice Minister on the college's behalf. He will ask the minister whether his department has explored the possibility of providing sports training courses and health and beauty courses in the rehabilitation of prisoners.

Mr Sobel heard about the college’s expansion plans, from redeveloping the upstairs of the college to make more classrooms which would create more jobs locally, to taking the fitness side of the business into Qatar, Dubai and other countries.

Mr Hatcher is launching courses in Mental Health Awareness, initially into gyms, but proposes to roll this out to businesses.

Mr Sobel said:"It is excellent to see a local business going from strength to strength despite the challenges the last few years with covid have brought. I wish the new owner Lewis Hatcher every success continuing the colleges excellent success record and its planned expansion and I would also like to wish Christine Tilley every success in the future."