OTLEY Town Council has responded to criticism of an event organised as part of the town's celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

A Platinum Jubilee Skylight Beacon was lit at Surprise View on Otley Chevin on Thursday, June 2, an event which was attended by hundreds of people.

However, many were left disappointed when it transpired the beacon consisted of two spotlights - one of which failed to work - and not the traditional brazier.

Rob Handby, of Bramhope, contacted the Wharfedale Observer saying: "To say it was a damp squib would be an exaggeration. How pathetic! I’m sure the Mayor must have been embarrassed. I know I was. I’m sure there must be a logical explanation. I’d love to know what it is."

Stuart Garforth, added: "Given this was certainly a once in a life Jubilee, why no proper fire beacon or bonfire ? Why was Aireborough denied such an event?"

Mr Garforth also criticised the fact the lower car park gate was shut and locked, thus creating a huge parking problem, and an absence of stewards to marshal parking along the road side.

In a statement Otley Town Council said: "As part of the Otley Jubilee events organised by a group of town organisations, Otley Town Council agreed to arrange and advertise a Skylight Beacon on the Chevin – an alternative to the traditional brazier, but still a way of marking this significant event. The Town Council is grateful to the large numbers of people who turned up to listen to the Bellman Terry Ford, Town Poet Matthew Hedley Stoppard, Otley Brass Band bugler David Sexton, and song ‘A Life Lived with Grace’ performed by Richard Sabey of the Woolpack Music Studios, and to see the Skylight Beacon turned on. Despite the great community atmosphere generated, we recognise that the Skylight failed to operate as expected, for which we apologise.

"Leeds City Council, who organised the Diamond Jubilee Beacon in 2012, were unable to afford a similar commitment this time. A local solution was therefore explored."

Cllr Richard Hughes, the Chair of the Town Council added: “Initially the Town’s Jubilee Committee looked at a traditional bonfire beacon for the event, but this was rejected after advice from Leeds City Council over concerns about damage to the Chevin and public safety. The operational requirements of the Airport also needed to be taken into consideration. Despite these difficulties, it was felt to be important to include a light within the Jubilee celebrations.

"The compromise of a Skylight, whilst appearing a good option during the pre-event test, failed to operate correctly during the actual event. Unfortunately, there were technical issues with the equipment which could not have been foreseen. We will seek to learn the appropriate lessons for future events. Otley Town Council always strive to meet expectations for community events and therefore understands and shares the disappointment felt on the evening.

"We hope that this has not detracted from all the other Jubilee events that are taking place in the town.”