PRINCE Henry's Grammar School is celebrating its highest ever pass rate at A* to B grades on A-level results day.

The overall pass rate at the Otley school has increased to 99.8% and the percentage A*- B grades is the highest ever, at 68% in line with those awarded in 2021 despite national trends. Similarly, A*- C grades increased, compared to the last published results, to 88%. An impressive 37% of all grades awarded were at A or A* which is a significant achievement. Subjects with particularly high attainment evident include Maths, Physics, MFL, Art and History as well as vocational subjects such as Business, Health and Social Care and Sport Studies, where there was a significantly high proportion of top grades awarded.

There are some amazing individual successes across the full range of academic achievement. At the top end a number of students gained straight A or A* grades. Three students were among those securing an impressive four A* grades and go on to their first choice of university to either study Medicine at Sheffield or Maths at Cambridge with Louisa Kotzee taking up her place to study Experimental Psychology at Oxford.

A number of students achieved at least three A* grades and also progress to their first choice:

Aine Powell-Wiffin will read History at Oxford University; Ethan Botterill has secured a place at York University to study English and Linguistics and James Reeves will progress to Sheffield University to study Law.

Also with an impressive collection of top grades at A*/A: Freddie Jones has secured his place for Mechanical Engineering at Sheffield University; Aaron Ung secures his place at Oxford University to read German and Spanish; Lucy Habin will embark on Medicine at Birmingham University; Robbie Bono has a place to study Economics at Durham University; Cameron Brogden will embark on Primary Teacher Training at Edge Hill University; Sana Madani-Lavassani will take up her place at UCL to study Computer Science and Charlotte Mitchell has secured her place at Liverpool University to study International Relations with Spanish.

There were top achievers in our vocational programmes too: Derry Newsome, Robert Stoves and James Kilvington all achieved a Double Distinction* in Sport with James also securing a Distinction for Business.

Other notable successes include students who have made outstanding progress and these include Emily Ramsden, Alex Phillipidis and Ewan Robinson who all progress to universities in York and Leeds respectively, and Eddie Hodson who is taking a gap year before embarking on his chosen pathway.

Of course there are many more personal success stories too numerous to mention.

Sally Bishop, Headteacher, Prince Henry’s Grammar School said: "We are all incredibly proud of our sixth form students, this year more than most, in securing outstanding results and demonstrating tenacity and resilience throughout the two years of disruption to exceed personal targets as well as surpassing predictions. A huge congratulations and well done goes to all of our students – your school, community, and families couldn’t be more delighted and proud of you all. The vast majority have secured a place at their first choice university, apprenticeship or workplace. We wish all of them the very best for their next steps whatever their destination.”

She added: “I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank and congratulate the extraordinary efforts of our talented and dedicated staff at Prince Henry’s who continue to give everything to ensure our students are fully equipped both academically and personally for the challenges ahead. The continued improvement in standards at Prince Henry’s is due to their hard work and commitment of our amazing students. Well done to all!”