The chair of the West Yorkshire Police Federation has published a Facebook post responding to rumours of a pay rise of around five per cent for police officers.

Craig Nicholls said: “This anticipated increase ... represents a significant step towards the much-needed restoration of fair pay for our dedicated officers.

"For too long, under the previous Conservative government, police pay has suffered from erosion due to a series of below-inflation rises and freezes.

“A five per cent pay rise, while a positive development, is just the beginning.

"It is an acknowledgment of the vital role police officers play in maintaining public safety and order.

“As highlighted by His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Policing Andy Cooke, officers deserve above-inflation pay rises due to the unique and critical nature of their work.

“The Federation will continue to advocate for further improvements and ensure that the voices of our officers are heard at every level.

“In conclusion, while we appreciate the rumoured five per cent pay rise as a step in the right direction, we must keep up the pressure for continued progress.”

Police officers are not permitted to unionise or take industrial action, with the Police Federation taking responsibility for representing and supporting police officers in pay and other disputes.

Mr Nicholls' post can be viewed here: