LIBERAL Democrat Councillors Sandy Lay, Colin Campbell, and Ryk Downes are urging newly elected MP Katie White to lobby the Government to reverse its recent decision to remove Winter Fuel Payments for 10 million pensioners across the country.

The councillors, who represent the Otley & Yeadon ward in Leeds, have voiced their concerns about the impact of this decision on vulnerable pensioners, many of whom depend on this crucial support to keep their homes warm during winter.

Cllr Sandy Lay who will be raising his concerns at next week's Full Council meeting said: "The removal of the Winter Fuel Payment could force many pensioners into an impossible situation, having to choose between heating or eating. It’s simply unacceptable to put older residents at risk in this way, especially during a continuing cost-of-living crisis."

Cllrs Lay, Campbell, and Downes have now written to Katie White MP, calling on her to not only the urge the Prime Minister and the Chancellor to reconsider the decision but to also vote against the proposal at Tuesday’s binding vote in Parliament. They are advocating for a plan that provides meaningful support to those above pension credit levels but below higher rate taxpayers, thereby ensuring that other vulnerable older groups are not left behind.

Cllr Colin Campbell added: "We recognise that the Government is facing tough economic decisions, but cutting vital support to pensioners isn’t the answer. We are calling for a more compassionate, targeted approach that protects more of the 2,600+ pensioners in the ward."

The councillors are hopeful that their newly elected MP will stand up for local residents and work with her colleagues in Parliament to seek a resolution.

Cllr Lay said: “This is Katie’s first real test as our new MP and our community will be keen to see whether she is like our previous Lib Dem MP - who was willing to vote against his own party when needed when we were in government - or whether she is like all the others and will vote with her party’s leadership.”

Cllr Ryk Downes added: "We believe that by engaging with those affected and seeking consultation on these changes, the Government can come up with a fairer solution that doesn’t leave people struggling to heat their homes. Katie White has a real opportunity to make a difference for the pensioners in our area, and we hope she takes it."

The councillors are urging local residents to join the call for action by contacting their MP and expressing their concerns. Katie White can be contacted at