OTLEY Courthouse was host to a variety of events and activities for this year’s Heritage Open Day on Saturday, September 7.

The national theme was ‘Routes, Networks and Connections’ and the courthouse contribution was called ‘Otley Connected and Disconnected’.

More than 220 people visited the building during the day. They came to take part in themed storytelling, guided tours of the former police station, courts and cell block and the ‘Beat’ walks led by a Courthouse volunteer.

Otley Museum took over the courtroom for a display of transport connected information about Otley’s past, including an original penny farthing bicycle.

Highlights of the afternoon were the two performances of a specially written play entitled ‘Keeping up with the Brontes’, specially written for the occasion and performed by Otley Players.

Otley Courthouse thanked the museum, the Players, Vickie Orton, courthouse volunteers and Leeds Civic Trust for making the day such a success.