Do you want to boost your computer and digital skills?

That’s the question Guiseley and Rawdon Councillors are posing to local residents over 55 as part of a joint initiative with the Age UK charity to boost people’s confidence with technology.

Labour Councillors Eleanor Thomson, Oliver Edwards and Sonia Leighton want to gauge potential local demand for the Age UK course before taking it to the next stage.

“Many people who didn’t grow up with modern technology have taken to it like a duck to water and happily negotiate our ‘digital by default’ society,” say the councillors. “But we know that some find it difficult to get as much as they could out of technology. We want to help to bridge this digital divide and ensure that people are not left behind.

“That’s why we are looking to team up with the Age UK to offer local sessions of their excellent ‘Ways to Enjoy Digital’ programme. But first we want to find out if this is something local people would want to take up. We’d like to hear from anyone who is new to technology or wants to brush up on their existing digital skills. The programme will support them every step of the way.”

The Age UK programme is aimed at people 55 and over and covers topics such as:

• staying connected with family and friends through video calls

• connecting with activities and groups that it might be difficult to attend in person

• getting the most from your smartphone, tablet, or computer

• access online services like banking, healthcare, and more

• shopping online safely and easily

“For now we are simply gauging interest,” say the councillors. “We are asking residents to let us know if they are interested and to indicate what time of day would work best for them and what tech skills they would find most useful to learn.

“If anyone would like to get involved or learn more, please contact us and we will keep you updated on the details. You can e-mail or call 0113 378 8812.”