TWENTY-four members of The Friends of Bolton Priory recently took part in a special day trip to Pontefract where they visited the famous Castle and then went to Farmer Copleys.

The Friends of Bolton Priory recently managed to donate funds in order to replace the doors at Bolton Priory and these trips are organised to raise money for such works which are greatly appreciated by The Priory.

The trip took place on September 17 and Chairman of the Friends of Bolton Priory Richard Watson said: "Pontefract Castle in the sunshine with the liquorice plant in bloom made for a very enjoyable day.

"For most of those going , it was their first visit to Pontefract and they were very pleasantly surprised to find it very interesting. They learned about St Clements Chapel, The Keep, Inner Bailey, Kings Seat, Gatehouse, Royal Apartments, Bakehouse, and kitchen.

"The neighbouring All Saints Church was also clearly visible, which is famous for its Double Helix Staircase dating from 1280 - one of only two in the UK.

"On to Farmer Copleys for an enjoyable lunch, followed by a behind the scenes tour with Jacob Copley to see the butchery, beehive, cheese and deli counter then off to sample Gelato. It was interesting to hear about their land and crops and to be told about the upcoming pumpkin festival with 265,000 pumpkins in the field – glad he didn’t want us to count and check!

"All finished off with a mouthwatering Gelato – liquorice and blackcurrant seemed to be the favourite."