Students at Prince Henry’s Grammar School in Otley will be performing the world premiere of an original play, written by Jacky Burton, a teacher at the school.

Future Endings will be performed at the school on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd October 2024 at 7pm. Future Endings is a short play about four interconnected friends, three friendships and one life-changing diagnosis.

Teacher and writer, Jacky Burton has written the play, inspired by the lives of young people. Director and Drama teacher, Tom Weston, hopes that this will be the first of an annual event, bringing a play to the stage, as well as the traditional school musical in February. The cast is made up of Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students, who have been fully involved in script readings and the production process.

Future Endings includes a range of stories, inspired by the real lives and experiences of young people today. The play uses a mixture of drama, voice notes and technology to reflect the lives of the characters.

One of the central storylines is inspired by Laura Nuttall, an incredible young woman who was diagnosed with grade 4 brain cancer, Glioblastoma, at the age of eighteen.

Laura’s Mum, Nicola Nuttall says: “I’m so grateful that Laura’s story touched Jacky as a writer and that she managed to turn it into something so beautifully creative. Laura would love it. I’m honoured that the school and students are sharing a version of Laura’s story in such a brilliant way.”

A portion of the ticket sales will be donated to the Be More Laura Foundation, to help fund support and research into improved treatment for Glioblastoma.

Tickets cost just £5 and can by purchased by ringing Pippa McPherson at the school on 01943 463524 or emailing in on

Due to the sensitive nature of the storylines, Future Endings is recommended for those aged 14 and above.