CONCERNS have been raised over changes to bus services in the area.

First Bus has announced alterations to several services, including the X84 which runs from Leeds to Bramhope, Otley and Ilkley.

However, the addition of a new service, which will provide an hourly service through Pool, has been welcomed.

The changes, which take effect from Sunday October 27, are complex and can be seen in their entirety on the First Bus website.

One of the big changes is re-numbering of services - the X84 will become the 26 and will stop more frequently, raising worries this will impact the running of the service once it gets to Otley and Ilkley.

First Bus explained: "The main change is that we will be removing the stopping restrictions on the X84 service, such that we will pick up/set down on the section of route between Leeds city centre and Weetwood.

"To mitigate any concerns regarding short hop passengers displacing longer distance travellers, we have re-timed the Headingley corridor of services such that there is no more than a 4-minute gap from the preceding bus.

"We anticipate there will not be a build-up of customers on any particular trip, but an even flow of customers across all trips. We have also specifically timed the replacement services for the X84 such that outbound buses will avoid the key hotspots for use, so whilst we would expect some short hop customers to use the Otley/Ilkley service, we strategically planned these trips."

Local city councillors Cllr's Sandy Lay, Colin Campbell and Ryk Downes (all Lib Dem, Otley & Yeadon) are raising concerns regarding the proposed changes to the X84 bus service.

Cllr Campbell said: "The X84 has long served as an essential express link for residents in Otley and Ilkley, offering a fast and reliable connection to Leeds city centre.

"The removal of stopping restrictions along the Headingley corridor threatens to slow down the journey for longer-distance travellers who rely on the service for its efficiency.

"While we understand the financial and operational pressures facing local transport services, we are concerned that these changes will negatively impact passengers who value the X84 for its time-saving benefits"

Cllr Sandy Lay added: "This situation only reinforces the need for the West Yorkshire Mayor to move forward with bus franchising.

"We cannot continue to be held to ransom by commercial operators who make changes based solely on profitability, without considering the needs of the communities they serve. Franchising would give local authorities more control over routes, fares, and service standards, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of the public, not just the bottom line."

And Cllr Downes said: "We urge those responsible for the changes to reconsider the proposal, particularly the removal of stopping restrictions, and to explore alternative options that maintain the express nature of the service. Furthermore, we call for a robust consultation with local residents to ensure that their concerns are heard and addressed before any final decisions are made"

However, there was support for some of the changes from Cllr Barry Anderson (Con, Adel & Wharfedale) who said he was very pleased that First Bus are adding a service through Pool.

He said: "I have been pushing for this for a long time as lots of residents want to use it. At the moment they have to either walk up Pool Bank to catch the X84 or travel to Otley bus station and get the X84 from there. I am glad my pleas have been listened to.

"There is however a further change in that there will be no “express” element to the X84. I am concerned that journey times will therefore be longer than they are at present but the explanation given is that First Bus have mitigated this with their new timings so that short hop journey passengers won’t need to get on these buses because there will be so many other choices."

And Cllr Caroline Anderson (Con, Adel & Wharfedale Ward) added: "I welcome the additional service for Pool, it is a long time coming. I am concerned about all the numbering changes which will take time to get used to. However, First Bus will be putting out publicity and notices for passengers so hopefully this will negate any problems.

"If we want residents to use public transport it is important that providers put on services that are prompt and regular and go to the places people need to get to."