Plans to keep aircraft noise under control at Leeds Bradford airport have been released for public consultation.

LBIA has published a 27-point action plan to minimise noise levels and it is inviting local people to have their say.

The plan, which can be downloaded from the airport’s website, looks at ways of tackling the problems of noise whilst allowing expansion of services.

Officials at the airport are stressing it’s importance to the economic vitality of the region – with 900,000 overseas visitors in 2003 alone spending around £294m in the regional economy and helping to support an estimated 160,000 jobs.

In 2005 the airport handled 2.6 million passengers and this is projected to increase year on year.

The airport’s CEO says: “Where there is a demand for flight services there will always be an impact of noise on the local region from arriving and departing aircraft and LBIAis no different.

“Measures and controls are in place to limit the noise generated through activities and operations at LBIA to reduce the impact upon surrounding areas and where possible mitigate noise sources.

LBIA will continue to review noise from activities produced by the airport and develop further measures to reduce these impacts as appropriate.

“Over the years LBIA has worked towards improving positive engagement with the local community and as a service we identify that our success derives from our local community. LBIA takes seriously its work with the local community and intends to find new ways to improve the effectiveness of its communication in order to work towards its goal of minimising noise impact.”

Now the airport has published its draft noise action plan for the next five years and wants local people to give their opinions and suggestions before the plan is finalised.

The plan summarises the extent of aircraft noise from the airport; it details restrictions already in place and sets out proposed actions for the next five years to mitigate the impact the airport has on local communities.

The consultation document points out: “It is not possible to eliminate noise from general operations of the airport and so where practicably possible preventative measures, together with careful management and control is carried out.”

The document stresses the importance of the airport to the local economy.

“LBIA is an important economic generator, providing jobs, encouraging inward investment, boosting local tourism and providing world wide access to the North of England.”

The airport has set itself a series of targets for the next five years, which it says will continue its commitment to reduce aircraft noise impacts.

It aims to: encourage the operation of the quietest fleets possible; encourage airlines to adopt the quietest practicable operating procedures; have effective and credible noise mitigation schemes.

It says it also wants to introduce new methods of communication with local communities to get a better understanding of their concerns.

It also hopes to influence planning policy to minimise the number of noise sensitive properties around the airport.

The consultation document points out that the airport has already carried out two noise insulation schemes over the last 25 years, and has established noise preferential routes so that jet aircraft fly over less populated areas.

Other measures already in place include restrictions on type and number of night-time aircraft.

LBIA also works with Leeds City Council in continuous noise monitoring around the airport.

The document adds: “LBIA employs a full-time environmental officer to deal with environmental issues affecting the airport. The environmental officer works closely with local residents, community groups and officers of local authorities to ensure any noise issues are identified as quickly as possible and appropriate action is taken to mitigate any impacts.”