PRIORY CHURCH: The services on Sunday are 8am communion (said) and 10.30am sung eucharist. Evening prayer is at 4.30pm. On the first Sunday of the month we hold our liquid family service at 9.15am aimed at youngsters and there are songs, activities and refreshments. Each Wednesday there is a communion service at 10am. All services are BCP. The Priory AGM will take place on Sunday in church immediately after the 10.30am service. There will be someone in the Tower on April 6 and 13 to take names of those departed who you would like remembering with Easter lilies. Donations will be accepted towards the cost. If you cannot get to church you can send your donation and names to the Church Office, Bolton Abbey, Skipton BD23 6AL. There will be a presentation to the Rev John and Mrs Rita Bennett at the end of the sung eucharist on Sunday to mark John’s retirement as our Honorary Associate Priest. After a period of transition, which will include three months at the Anglican Chaplaincy in Assisi, I am pleased to say that John and Rita will be making the Priory their ‘home’ church from the autumn. We are now collecting for Skipton Foodbank, with fortnightly deliveries being made. Contributions can be left after services or left in the church at any time. All contributions should be non-perishable. The website at skiptonfoodbank. org gives a complete list of items that can be donated, with an indication of what is particularly urgent. There is a new selection of children’s books on the book table including ones for Easter. On the sales table there is a new selection of Easter cards.