Twenty year-old Cookridge world trials championship contender James Dabill arrived home from Italy with his radical Team TRW Montesa trials machine.

The current European trials champion motored from his new Italian base at Bergamo, northern Italy, with his new Minder' Jack Lee, who will travel to all world and British championship trials with James.

Jack, from Higham Ferrers, is a top national trials rider so his experience will carry some weight. The TRW Montesa, almost identical to the machine ridden by seven times world champion Dougie Lampkin, has special engine parts that increase the actual capacity, and also the power generated.

The left hand hand grip controls the engine electronics so with minimal hand movement James can alter the power delivery to suit conditions. TRW are one of the largest motor components manufacturers in the European zone with a turnover last year of 18 billion euros.

Test sessions were arranged for the benefit of local Press agents and members of the Technical Press but James and Jack also braved torrential rain to practice on the sections at Addingham Moorside.

The Yeadon-Guiseley Motor Club member will ride all World and Italian Championship events, The Colin Appleyard ACU British Championship, the Scottish Six Days Trial, and the Scott Trial next October.