IT’s been more than 25 years since Otley have beaten Leeds Tykes in a league match, but they came oh so close on Saturday losing 24-20, writes Nick Doyle.

In bright sunshine, the visitors kicked off but back in their half they conceded a penalty when they were caught advancing in front of the kicker after just two minutes. From 30 metres out in front of the posts, Joe Rowntree kicked towards the Chevin to open the scoring.

Shortly after the restart, Otley were guilty of the same offence although Leeds Tykes showed their attacking intent by going for the corner. Their pack did the hard yards and five metres out No 8 Matt Burke gave the ball to Ewan Laughton who scampered into the corner to score. Tom Williams, a constant thorn in Otley’s side, took the ball from his own half into Otley’s 22, but he lost the ball in the tackle.

Otley conceded a penalty scrum and Leeds again went for the corner. For the next five minutes Otley were kept within their half, conceding a further two penalties. From an Otley scrum in front of their posts, the Tykes pushed them off and Laughton dived over when the ball came out – this time Jamie Watts adding the conversion.

Leeds’s next score came three minutes later from a line-out on Otley’s 22, the Tykes moving the ball across the pitch with Ben Turpin speeding his way around a defender to score. Watts got his second conversion.

That score galvanized the Otley team, as the game moved into the Leeds half where they ran in some good phases. From a penalty that went into the scoreboard corner, Otley moved the ball into the centre where the opposition transgressed again. A quick tap and go nearly saw Jacob Holmes go over. He was able to get the ball away and Rowntree’s pass to Eddie Crossland saw the fly-half appear to then give the ball to Callum Irvine, but in reality he kept possession outfoxing the defence to score.

Leeds continued to concede penalties, a late tackle allowing Rowntree to bring the half-time score to 13-19 with six minutes to go. Otley did have the chance of another three points with a minute to go, but went for the corner where they lost possession.

Otley continued their attacking agenda, handling errors by Leeds were compounded by their scrum losing some of their dominance. From an Otley scrum inside their half they gained a penalty, but they carried on playing moving into the opposition half with some fleet moves. Irvine’s pass was taken by Crossland who was tackled just before the touchline, but his momentum took him over. Rowntree’s conversion gave Otley the lead for the second time.

Leeds were given the option of a penalty in their half or a scrum in Otley’s half. Opting for the latter, they were under pressure again and a hand in the scrum gave Otley the chance to launch another attack, but they lost possession at the line-out. From the restart Leeds’s advance was initially gradual, until they got to Otley’s 10 metre line where Williams made a break, racing up the pitch before passing to Ben Turpin who touched down 20 metres right of the posts.

The remaining 20 minutes didn’t see any further scores, but both sides tried their hardest to make their presence felt. Despite their previous efforts, Yorkshire pride was at stake and both defences held firm. The game ended some 15 metres from Otley’s line with Leeds having a penalty award in their pocket, but instead kicked it into touch to bring the game to a close.